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Gynecomastia plastic surgery expert Dr. Caridi Dr. Caridi examining Austin Gynecomastia patient Austin Gynecomastia Dr Caridi with patient Surgeon performing Gynecomastia plastic surgery

Gynecomastia Surgery in Austin, TX

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American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Plastic Surgery logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Plastic Surgery logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo


Austin Gynecomastia Center
Austin Gynecomastia Center
Austin Gynecomastia Center
Austin Gynecomastia Center
1st Gynecomastia Center in the World


Gynecomastia Center in the World

Author of 2 Revolutionary
Gynecomastia Papers

35+ Years of Unmatched Experience


Years of Unmatched Experience

#1 Gynecomastia
Surgeon Worldwide

6000+ Gynecomastia Cases Treated


Gynecomastia Cases Treated

Founder of the
Gynecomastia Society

250+ 5-Star Google Reviews


5-Star Google Reviews

Patient Base

Building self-esteem. Rebuilding Men.

Austin Gynecomastia Center

All Roads Lead To AGC

World’s #1 Gynecomastia Destination

austin gynecomastia patient with surgical markings
  • Austin ROCKS
  • Easy & Convenient
  • Concierge Service
  • Reputation & Trust
  • Specialty & Expertise

The State of the Science

Gynecomastia is a relatively unexplored condition so far, but Dr. Caridi is committed to changing that.

Conducting research, publishing studies, and moving the treatment of gynecomastia forward are all fundamental parts of his practice.

To date, the scientific literature relating to gynecomastia has been poorly designed and — therefore — has made little impact on the field. Approaches to treatment vary widely because of a lack of consensus on best practices and even the diagnosis of the condition itself. This created significant inconsistencies in how doctors choose to deal with gynecomastia, leading to unreliable and unpredictable results.

Dr. Caridi is trying to bring greater unity into the gynecomastia field. His two currently published research papers focus entirely on gynecomastia and how doctors can serve patients better and more consistently. He poured his years of experience treating thousands of gynecomastia patients into the studies because most plastic surgeons do not get much exposure to gynecomastia patients in their training or non-specialized practices. The prevailing mentality is that most generic plastic surgeons can perform gynecomastia surgery simply because it is a plastic surgery procedure. However, Dr. Caridi believes they are missing a critical piece of the practice — a full understanding of the psychological burden carried by gynecomastia patients.

His published literature specifically addresses two crucial topics:

  • DiagnosisConsistent diagnosis and treatment of gynecomastia is possible. If doctors across the country and around the world can come to a consensus on best practices, procedures will become reliable, safe, and predictable, and the experience of every patient will be vastly improved.
  • Complete tissue removal — Dr. Caridi has discovered that the gynecomastia tissue responsible for “puffy nipples” can be successfully removed. Presently, the “common knowledge” has been that this tissue needed to remain to achieve a smooth, natural result. However, Dr. Caridi has proven this to be untrue in his experience and believes that — when widely applied — his technique can lead to transformative results.

Dr. Caridi cares deeply about patients with gynecomastia — his career proves this. That heartfelt concern drives his desire to raise awareness and refine the condition's understanding and treatment. He will continue to use his surgical experience to develop new potential treatments, expand his education, and advance the broader scientific community's approach to gynecomastia. The result? A world in which the burden of gynecomastia is experienced by very few because of its treatability; and a world in which any man on the planet feels comfortable knowing that surgeons across the globe treat their patients as safely, effectively, and compassionately as every person treated by Dr. Caridi at Austin Gynecomastia Center.

A Brotherhood of Man

More than a Procedure — A Community

The Gynecomastia Brotherhood is all about wanting to help others who suffer from the burden of gynecomastia—something well known to all those who have gynecomastia.

The gynecomastia condition has not had it’s “Oprah” moment—a sudden understanding and comprehension of the true impact of gynecomastia on the psyche and not just the appearance of female like breasts. There are a lot of guys out there who have gynecomastia. It takes one to know one. It’s our job to help each other. It’s the right thing to do.

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Treatment Where You Need It

The Austin Gynecomastia Center’s Gynecomastia Zone Map

austin gynecomastia patient with surgical markings

Part of effective treatment is effective doctor-patient communication. Dr. Caridi created the Gynecomastia Zone Map as a simple tool to help patients look at where exactly in the chest they were experiencing symptoms of gynecomastia. This invaluable tool helps simplify the consultation process, particularly during Online Consultations.

Where are you experiencing gynecomastia symptoms?

Austin male breast reduction surgeon Dr. Caridi

quotation symbol After 20 years and nearly five thousand patients sharing their positive feedback with me, there is no doubt in my mind that gynecomastia treatment at The AGC is worth it. end quote symbol

American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Plastic Surgery logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo
American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Plastic Surgery logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Plastic Surgery logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo


Dr. Robert Caridi, Austin Gynecomastia Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Caridi, known dearly by his patients as Dr. C, tells it like it is. He knows that as a patient, you value trust and expect honesty from your surgeon. Not every patient with gynecomastia will benefit from surgery, and Dr. Caridi never pushes for a treatment if he feels like it is not in your best interest.

With 35 years in private practice as a plastic surgeon and gynecomastia expert, Dr. Caridi has the experience to be able to tell at a glance the severity of your condition and offer you treatment options. He built Austin Gynecomastia Center as a way for men to get the help they need quickly and safely in a judgment-free environment. He wanted a space where patients could seek help and support each other to heal through this journey. Austin Gynecomastia Center is that brotherhood.

Dr. Caridi Austin Gynecomastia surgery expert
Austin Gynecomastia Center
Austin Gynecomastia Center
Austin Gynecomastia Center
Austin Gynecomastia Center

Your Global Gynecomastia Leader

The Austin Gynecomastia Center takes its role as a top gynecomastia surgery center seriously. Our team conducts groundbreaking research on gynecomastia, including its causes and ways to treat it more effectively.

As leaders in this space, we share this information freely with patients and fellow providers alike to hopefully encourage better care for all who seek treatment for this condition. Read more about how The AGC advances gynecomastia surgery practices across the globe.

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Nothing “Pseudo” about it

The Science Behind True Gynecomastia

Dr. Caridi examining Austin Gynecomastia Surgery patient

As you research your condition, you will likely come across the term “pseudo gynecomastia.” Pseudogynecomastia is a term that means “false gynecomastia.” This refers to gynecomastia that consists of fatty tissue, and the treatment for this excess fatty tissue is simple weight loss.

However, it is never “just fatty tissue.” Gynecomastia tissue is very real, and it’s made from fat, glands, and fibrous tissue. If you have gynecomastia, no amount of exercise, diet, or non-surgical treatment options will be able to fully remove the fibrous tissue or gynecomastia gland tissue that adds volume to your chest. Often, weight loss just makes gynecomastia more pronounced! “Pseudogynecomastia” is pseudoscience. It is a term coined to sell fat reduction techniques that treat part of the problem… but not all of it.

If you want true gynecomastia relief, you will need a doctor like Dr. Caridi, who understands the true causes of gynecomastia and how to solve them.

“How do I know if I have gynecomastia?”

If you’re asking this question, there is about a 98% chance that you have gynecomastia. Guys are more perceptive than the world would have us believe. If we look at other guys’ chests and we see one thing and then see something different in the mirror - well, there you have it.

The more important question is: what are you going to do about it?

Gynecomastia Procedures

When we say gynecomastia surgery at Austin Gynecomastia Center, we realize there is no “one size fits all” approach. Dr. Caridi works with you to identify your degree of gynecomastia and the proper surgical solution for it. Learn more about your options for gynecomastia surgery at Austin Gynecomastia Center

Gynecomastia Surgery right arrow Bodybuilder Gynecomastia right arrow Male Breast Reduction right arrow Male Breast Liposuction right arrow
Austin Gynecomastia surgery model

Gynecomastia Surgery

The best form of treatment results in a masculine appearing chest, complete removal of gynecomastia tissue, elimination of puffy nipples, and minimal scarring. The procedure should result in a natural appearance without skin or contour irregularities. Dr. Caridi uses a combination of liposuction and tissue correction to accomplish full removal of your gynecomastia issues.

Gynecomastia Surgeryright arrow
Bodybuilder after gynecomastia surgery in Austin

Bodybuilder’s Gynecomastia

For bodybuilders, gynecomastia comes with different (and often more complex) causes and treatment options. It can be a difficult and disheartening diagnosis, especially when you’ve spent so much time and effort working on your body. Bodybuilders typically have very little body fat, and their gynecomastia is mostly a firm, rubbery gland that is easily felt upon examination. Dr. Caridi can help you resolve these issues safely and permanently with gynecomastia surgery that specifically addresses the unique difficulties of bodybuilder’s gynecomastia.

Bodybuilder’s Gynecomastiaright arrow
Austin male breast reduction model with earbuds

Male Breast Reduction

At the AGC, we don’t believe in taking half-measures when it comes to giving you the very best male breast reduction Austin has to offer. We deliver surgical male breast reduction that flattens the chest and gives you the sculpted frame you’ve wanted your entire life. Learn more about our male breast reduction process and how we can get you on the path to a flatter, more masculine chest without long recovery times.

Male Breast Reductionright arrow
Austin male breast liposuction model exercising

Male Breast Liposuction

The best form of treatment results in a masculine appearing chest, complete removal of gynecomastia tissue, elimination of puffy nipples, and minimal scarring. The procedure should result in a natural appearance without skin or contour irregularities. Dr. Caridi uses a combination of liposuction and tissue correction to accomplish full removal of your gynecomastia issues.

Male Breast Liposuctionright arrow

Surgery is just the beginning

We Plan Your Surgery and Your Recovery.

Most patients take a day or two off before returning to work and other normal daily activities. Most patients can get back to exercise five to seven days after gynecomastia surgery while staying away from chest work for two to four weeks. Listen to your body and work gradually back up to full intensity.

Compression garments should be worn for a minimum of four weeks or longer to control swelling, provide support and facilitate skin retraction. We encourage all our patients to massage the treated area with their hands or a roller device to soften the scar tissue and help the skin lay out nicely. This should be done several times a day for 20 minutes or more until you are fully healed.

Gynecomastia surgeon performing surgery

Wherever you are. Help is here.

Virtual Consultations. Concierge care.

Most of the men who visit the Austin Gynecomastia Center for gynecomastia surgery are from out of town. We offer online consultations so Dr. Caridi can evaluate your case without the need to travel to Austin. Upload standard images of your chest, and Dr. Caridi can look at your situation and make recommendations. It’s private, secure, and free.

Gynecomastia surgery at the AGC is straightforward and has helped thousands from all over the world. Most cases take about an hour or so, and recovery is brief. Patients arrive the evening before their day of the procedure and leave the day after their procedure. Follow-up is by phone, text, email, and FaceTime. In this manner, Dr. Caridi has successfully treated thousands of patients from all over the world.

Wherever you are. Help is here.

Virtual Consultations. Concierge care.

Most of the men who visit the Austin Gynecomastia Center for gynecomastia surgery are from out of town. We offer online consultations so Dr. Caridi can evaluate your case without the need to travel to Austin. Upload standard images of your chest, and Dr. Caridi can look at your situation and make recommendations. It’s private, secure, and free.

Gynecomastia surgery at the AGC is straightforward and has helped thousands from all over the world. Most cases take about an hour or so, and recovery is brief. Patients arrive the evening before their day of the procedure and leave the day after their procedure. Follow-up is by phone, text, email, and FaceTime. In this manner, Dr. Caridi has successfully treated thousands of patients from all over the world.

Austin Gynecomastia Center team shot

Our team at AGC is here to answer your questions, assist with scheduling your appointment, or help you with any other matters related to your treatment. Book your consultation online for specific questions regarding a personalized surgical plan.

A further detailed discussion with Dr. Caridi and his team will follow this inquiry. If you are seeking more general information or are a previous patient needing to contact medical staff, always feel free to call our office.

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