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Gynecomastia Surgery BEFORE & AFTERS | Patient 22033

American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Plastic Surgery logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo
American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Plastic Surgery logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Plastic Surgery logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo

Patient Details

This patient is POD#1 (surgical lingo for post operative day number 1). What is helpful about this patient story is that you can learn much about what happens during gynecomastia treatment at the Austin Gynecomastia Center. He came in with female-like breasts with sagging and immediately after treatment you can clearly learn that all the tissue was removed, his skin retraction is complete and impressive and his new shape is masculine and defined. This starts the clock with the recovery from gynecomastia. The bruising you can see is not uncommon. This will be gone in a week or so. His nipple-areola complexes have retracted quite well as anticipated based on my visual and manual examination of his chest. I can tell you about some data I have from a paper I have not published yet—in ALL cases of gynecomastia, nipples always move upwards and towards the center as a result of treatment of the underlying gynecomastia tissue. This helps explain why I am cautious about making the call for skin removal when often times it is not necessary. It’s a call that requires much experience so that’s why I always recommend that you visit with several gynecomastia surgeons if you have advanced gynecomastia. Better safe than sorry!

Our team at AGC is here to answer your questions, assist with scheduling your appointment, or help you with any other matters related to your treatment. Book your consultation online for specific questions regarding a personalized surgical plan.

A further detailed discussion with Dr. Caridi and his team will follow this inquiry. If you are seeking more general information or are a previous patient needing to contact medical staff, always feel free to call our office.

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