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Do I Have Gynecomastia?Austin Gynecomastia Center

4 Ways To Know

Many men are completely confused as to whether or not they have gynecomastia, and it’s not fair that answers aren’t easier to find. You may even be asking yourself right now, “Do I have gynecomastia?” Don’t worry, I can help.

I’m proud to share with the world what I have learned by treating thousands of men during my 30-year career. That’s why I founded the Austin Gynecomastia Center, with a mission to simplify diagnosis and improve results from gynecomastia surgery.

Chest shots of five men with potential gynecomastia

Changing the Conversation

The paper I published in the Journal of Plastic Surgery was my attempt to change the conversation when it comes to our understanding of how to make a proper diagnosis of gynecomastia. Before my research, a diagnosis was dependent on several aspects of a person’s chest such as size, existence of underlying glands, and the degree of sagging. Based on these metrics, the best form of treatment was suggested. The problem with this classification scheme is that it is very subjective and does not direct modern treatment methods. 

The concept of size is very dependent on the examiner, and the type of tissue cannot immediately be known. Measuring the degree of sagging, although very real, does not take into consideration how the chest skin retracts after treatment. Instead of suggesting a different treatment method on a case by case basis, I learned that all patients can be effectively treated with the same technique! Treatment has been simplified so Austin Gynecomastia Surgery patients all over the world can benefit from my experience. 


Do I Have Gynecomastia? Here’s How To Find Out

How is a diagnosis of gynecomastia made? What have I learned as a doctor that makes the answer simpler than in the past? The diagnosis is made on visual inspection of the male chest. That’s right, I don’t need to examine or touch the chest in order to make my diagnosis. I diagnose cases every day from inquiries from all over the world by examining photographs sent to me in my Online Consultation. Just to be clear, there is no need for blood tests, hormone analysis, or radiology scans to make a diagnosis. 

How do you know if you have gynecomastia? There is a very easy way to check. You more than likely have gynecomastia if you have one ore more of these 4 attributes – sagging of the chest tissue, a rounded chest, pointy pectoral or puffy nipples. If you have one ore more of these features, you most certainly have gynecomastia. 

1) Sagging Chest Tissue

Male patient with loose chest tissue

Men with gynecomastia often have sagging skin on their chest. The extra skin will cause the nipple to point down over the lower part of the chest. Sagging like this is usually seen after successful weight loss, which can be frustrating after all of the hard work. A masculine chest is defined by tight skin, which can be achieved through treatment.

2) Rounded Chest

Male patient with gynecomastia

Bodybuilders with gynecomastia sometimes talk about round pectorals or a fully rounded chest, but that’s not what we mean here. In this instance, we mean round as in spherical, giving the appearance of female breasts. It’s normal to feel embarrassed by these “man boobs,” but gynecomastia is not a condition you can control on your own. Treatment can help you achieve masculine, well-defined pectoral muscles.

3) Pointy Pectorals

Male patient with signs of gynecomastia

Just as female breasts come in all shapes and sizes, not all instances of gynecomastia appear the same in men. Some men develop pointy pectorals, which can be just as unflattering. While someone with a pointy chest may not realize it, they may be suffering from the same condition that creates a more rounded look.

4) Puffy Nipples

Gynecomastia patient with enlarged nipples

A masculine chest has small flat areolas (the area surrounding the nipple). Those suffering from gynecomastia may have puffy nipples that give the appearance of a more female-like breast. Even without a rounded or pointy pectoral, these large puffy nipples will look feminine, and eating right and working out will not help. Fortunately, this situation can be treated along with the rest.

I know those who suffer from this condition when I see it, and I dare say most people know when they have it. By the time you’ve reached this point, you have a good idea about your situation. Out of the men who feel the need to consult with me, 99.5% have gynecomastia. It is only once a year or so when I respond to an online consultation with “Congratulations, you don’t have gynecomastia!”

Do I Have Gynecomastia? Episode with Dr. Caridi from the Austin Gynecomastia Center

Ask Dr. C Episode 2

Expert Help is Available

Gynecomastia is a real burden and the negative psychological impact is not to be underestimated. It is a huge relief to know that the condition  is very treatable and there is hope that better days lie ahead. The diagnosis is confirmed on visual examination and the treatment is the same for all cases without the need for skin removal. In the complex and “information overload” world we live in, it’s nice to know that the process for diagnosis and treatment is simple. Learn more about your treatment options at the Austin Gynecomastia Center or schedule your own free online consultation.

Our team at AGC is here to answer your questions, assist with scheduling your appointment, or help you with any other matters related to your treatment. Book your consultation online for specific questions regarding a personalized surgical plan.

A further detailed discussion with Dr. Caridi and his team will follow this inquiry. If you are seeking more general information or are a previous patient needing to contact medical staff, always feel free to call our office.

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