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Wear your compression garment for two weeks (night and day) unless otherwise directed. After this time, you will need to wear the garment during waking hours for an additional two weeks. If you notice swelling or need extra compression to assist with skin retraction, continue to utilize the compression garment.
If you have been provided ACE compression wraps, wear wraps over your vest for 2 days.
If instructed to use lipo foam, use as instructed for 4-6 weeks post op.
The first 24 hours is the CRITICAL time to take it easy and keep arms to your side to avoid a HEMATOMA. A hematoma is a blood collection in the treated area. If one side of your chest becomes twice the size of the other, is extremely painful and has dark bruising- notify the office. “Don’t panic, everything will be just fine.”- Dr. Caridi
Be advised: when removing your vest for the first time, you may experience dizziness or light-headedness. We ask that you are seated when you remove the garment for the first time.
You can shower the day after your gynecomastia procedure. Soap and water over your incisions is good, just do not scrub the area. Gently blot the area dry and apply antibiotic ointment for no more than 2 days post op. Your sutures are absorbable and will fall out in a few weeks.
Do not do any heavy lifting, exercise, or anything to increase your heart rate for at least 2 weeks; this can increase your chance for bleeding and tearing of internal flaps. After this time, gradually increase your level of activity back to normal. NO heavy lifting for 4 weeks.
Do not drink alcohol for 10 days post-op. Limit fluid intake to no more than 50 oz (3 bottles of water) daily for the first week. Excessive fluid intake can lead to a seroma.
You may resume supplements after 1 week post op.
You may notice a dark scab appear on the nipple/areola. This will fall off as the area heals.
Begin rolling the treated area after 3 weeks. Start off with light pressure and increase pressure over the first few days of rolling. Rolling should be done 2 times a day for 30 minutes each time. Continue rolling for 6 weeks, or longer if you still feel scar tissue. You can also massage the area with your fingers or a massage gun.
If you need a refresher on rolling please review the video below starting at the 2:30 minute mark. To stay up to date with Dr. Caridi and everything from the Austin Gynecomastia Center subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Instagram @austingynecomastiacenter
At The AGC, we believe no man should have to go through the struggles of gynecomastia alone. The Gynecomastia Brotherhood is all about helping those who suffer from the burden of gynecomastia. Join the Gynecomastia Brotherhood today.
Our team at AGC is here to answer your questions, assist with scheduling your appointment, or help you with any other matters related to your treatment. Book your consultation online for specific questions regarding a personalized surgical plan.
A further detailed discussion with Dr. Caridi and his team will follow this inquiry. If you are seeking more general information or are a previous patient needing to contact medical staff, always feel free to call our office.
4407 Bee Cave Rd #303, Austin TX 78746
Mon - Thur: 9am – 5pm Fri: 9am – 12pm
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