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Gynecomastia Surgeryin Austin, TX

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American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Plastic Surgery logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Plastic Surgery logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo

America’s Favorite Gynecomastia Doctor

Dr. Robert Caridi is a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in Gynecomastia Surgery in Austin, TX, performing the procedure on 400 patients every year.

Dr. Caridi understands better than anyone the psychological toll gynecomastia takes on men who suffer from this prevalent, though often embarrassing, condition. Gynecomastia Surgery at Austin Gynecomastia Center in Austin offers a permanent solution to excess male breast tissue with exquisite results from the highly renowned plastic surgeon, Dr. Caridi.

What is gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is characterized by puffy nipples or larger breasts that give the chest a less masculine appearance.

In some cases, gynecomastia can cause pain or tenderness, but this is not always a sign or symptom of gynecomastia. While the condition is not medically harmful, gynecomastia can significantly impact your psychological well-being and even contribute to destructive behaviors. It is most commonly a result of a temporary hormone imbalance occurring as far back as puberty and cannot be resolved without surgical correction. Experts believe gynecomastia affects 5-30% of all men.

Do I have Gynecomastia?

While there is no specific test for gynecomastia, Dr. Caridi can assess your chest's appearance and tissue structure to determine if gynecomastia is causing your concerns.

Austin Gynecomastia Surgery model

Generally speaking, if you feel like your chest appears fuller than normal, gynecomastia may be to blame. While a typical male chest possesses only a thin and even layer of tissue, a chest with gynecomastia may sag or protrude or appear unusually round or pointy. Nipples that appear “puffy” are also an indication of gynecomastia.

Contrary to popular belief, “pseudogynecomastia” does not exist. It’s either there, or it isn’t. The appearance of excess male breast tissue is never “just fat” and does not improve with weight loss. Furthermore, oral medications and non-invasive fat reduction treatments will also fail to treat gynecomastia effectively. Therefore, the only way to resolve gynecomastia and achieve a higher quality of life is through gynecomastia surgery.

What is Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery removes excess male breast tissue from the chest to achieve a more defined and masculine appearance. At Austin Gynecomastia Center, our surgery procedure typically involves the complete removal of excess tissue beneath the areola in conjunction with liposuction. For most of our patients in Austin Gynecomastia surgery takes about one hour to complete. It involves a short and manageable recovery compared to other surgical cosmetic procedures and provides a profound enhancement to the quality of life and overall well-being.

What are the benefits of Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery offers dramatic improvement to emotional and physical health in those whose lives are significantly impacted by it. Gynecomastia can contribute to mental health-related conditions, such as depression, anxiety, social withdrawal, and impaired self-esteem. Many Austin gynecomastia surgery patients find that surgery not only drastically improves these conditions but empowers them to lead a more physically and socially active life.

Austin Gynecomastia Surgery model smiling

Am I a candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?

If you notice puffy or sagging male breast tissue when you look in the mirror, you may be a candidate for gynecomastia surgery. As with any elective surgical procedure, you should be in good general health, meaning that you are free of any medical conditions that may complicate your procedure or recovery. Ideal gynecomastia surgery patients are within or near their normal BMI range. To discuss your candidacy and personalized treatment plan for gynecomastia surgery with Dr. Caridi, book your Online Consultation.

What to expect on the day of your Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia to provide Dr. Caridi with the best opportunity to sculpt the chest. In some cases in which minimal tissue removal is needed, gynecomastia surgery may be performed under local anesthesia. Our highly experienced and board-certified anesthesiologist will ensure that you receive the appropriate method of anesthesia for your personalized surgical plan.

Additional Reading

Gynecomastia surgery at Austin Gynecomastia Center involves four steps, including tumescent infiltration, VASER™ ultrasound-assisted liposuction, vacuum-assisted liposuction, and the removal of gynecomastia tissue. Once excess tissue has been removed and the chest has been successfully sculpted, Dr. Caridi will use his internal flap technique to suture together tissues beneath the nipple for smooth and natural-looking results.

Dr. Caridi strives to deliver the best gynecomastia surgery Austin has to offer. It is very important to note that (despite what you may have heard online) gynecomastia cannot be treated by liposuction alone. In some cases, it makes the condition look even worse. By removing the thick tissue and gynecomastia gland, Dr. Caridi gets rid of the underlying cause of gynecomastia and prevents recurrence. Without this step, your gynecomastia treatment is not complete.

Dr. Caridi also believes VASER liposuction revolutionizes gynecomastia surgery by dissolving fat through sound waves and improving the effectiveness of tissue removal. It has significant benefits over standard liposuction, including predictability, less pain, and shorter recovery. These details separate Austin Gynecomastia Center from other treatment facilities and are why our patients experience such exceptional, permanent results from their procedures.

Use our calculator to find out your BMI

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BMI Categories: Underweight = < 18.5 | Normal weight = 18.5–24.9 | Overweight = 25–29.9 | Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery

Gynecomastia surgery recovery is exceptionally tolerable compared to that of other surgical cosmetic procedures.

Austin Gynecomastia Surgery model with arms crossed

Most patients return to their regular activities (including work) just one to two days after gynecomastia surgery. However, if your job is physically strenuous, you may need to take additional time off from work. While you will be able to return to the gym after just two weeks, you will need to wait until Dr. Caridi clears you to engage in chest exercises and heavy lifting. This typically happens after four weeks post-surgery.

You will need to purchase a compression garment which you will need to wear for more than four weeks to aid with swelling management, support, and skin retraction. Purchase here! You will also need to massage your chest with a ball or a Theragun to prevent the formation of long-term scar tissue. You will need to do this for at least 20 minutes several times a day, beginning three weeks after your gynecomastia surgery and continuing for a minimum of eight weeks. The recovery period is critical for optimal results.

See full gynecomastia recovery instructions here or watch this video to know what to expect.

Your Gynecomastia Surgery Results

You will notice an immediate difference in your chest following your procedure and the majority of your swelling will subside within a few days. However, it may take several months for swelling to subside completely. As soon as your incisions heal, Dr. Caridi recommends the use of medical-grade silicone scar sheets, although in most cases, the scars heal nicely on their own.

Ultimately, you can look forward to a permanently more sculpted chest and a happier, healthier life. While there is not a substantial amount of published materials discussing psychological recovery from gynecomastia, there are zero doubts concerning the benefits of gynecomastia surgery. Dr. Caridi always empowers you to feel the excised gynecomastia tissue to confirm that the condition was real and successfully resolved. For some men, this offers invaluable closure to their struggle with gynecomastia.

Book your consultation with Dr. Caridi for gynecomastia surgery in Austin, TX

Dr. Caridi offers his patients unparalleled experience and exceptional results in Austin, TX. Gynecomastia surgery patients travel to the Austin Gynecomastia Center from throughout the country to ensure that their surgery produces the best possible results. If you are interested in discussing your treatment for gynecomastia with Dr. Caridi, book your consultation today and take the first step toward your best life. Dr. Caridi offers virtual consultations for out-of-town patients.

Gynecomastia Surgery
Frequently Asked Questions

What if I had a previous gynecomastia surgery but am not satisfied with my results?

Dr. Caridi offers revision gynecomastia surgery for patients who achieved poor results due to unforeseen complications or the work of a less experienced surgeon. During your consultation, Dr. Caridi will listen to your concerns closely and thoroughly examine your chest to present you with a customized treatment plan.

Can I resolve my gynecomastia without surgery?

Unfortunately, no. Since breast tissue is not the same as regular fat, it can only be removed surgically. Non-surgical methods for male breast reduction will not remove or improve your gynecomastia. Some may even make it worse.

How much does gynecomastia surgery cost?

The cost of your surgery depends on a number of details. During your online consultation, you will be given a quote based on your specific needs. However, the prices at the AGC are very reasonable, if not an absolute bargain, considering Dr. Caridi's vast experience, reputation, and location in beautiful Austin, Texas. Gynecomastia surgery at the AGC is a life-changing experience, and our team will work with you every step of the way to make sure your surgery delivers results that are above expectations.

Our team at AGC is here to answer your questions, assist with scheduling your appointment, or help you with any other matters related to your treatment. Book your consultation online for specific questions regarding a personalized surgical plan.

A further detailed discussion with Dr. Caridi and his team will follow this inquiry. If you are seeking more general information or are a previous patient needing to contact medical staff, always feel free to call our office.

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