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We men have always been told to hide our emotions, silently deal with challenges, and man up.
Guys with gynecomastia feel pressured to isolate themselves due to emasculation, humiliation, and feelings of inadequacy. Talking about suffering from having female breasts is undoubtedly uncomfortable. Men usually seek to correct this alone with diet changes, increased exercise, or fake internet cures. Seeking professional help is often the last resort for most men. Those who suffer from gynecomastia are often unaware they have a common condition that affects millions of men. Not being able to talk and relate with others leads to a sense of withdrawal and defeat.
The concept of the AGC brotherhood is something that originated many years ago within my practice for gynecomastia treatment in Austin. Knowing many patients found their way to me through the digital universe, I thought it would be an excellent opportunity for those who actually have experience with gynecomastia to share their experience living with it and having it treated.
It helps to converse with someone who knows what you are going through. It is nice to know that what bothers you daily is not uncommon, and there are literally millions of guys experiencing the same thing. The AGC brotherhood is all about helping out those who suffer the consequences of gynecomastia. The sooner they learn what it is and how to treat it, the faster they can move on with their lives. Information is power. Helpful, realistic information is something you can share with those seeking truth.
Treating anxiety or depression regarding helplessness can be helped by discovering the freedom others experienced after fixing their gynecomastia. It’s a win-win situation—you feel good for encouraging someone who suffered just like you, and those you help feel supported. How do you join the AGC brotherhood? You simply educate yourself on the condition and treatment, then talk with friends and family or discussions on YouTube, Reddit, and other social media platforms about how this benign condition negatively affects your physical appearance and the sanctity of your mental health.
Our team at AGC is here to answer your questions, assist with scheduling your appointment, or help you with any other matters related to your treatment. Book your consultation online for specific questions regarding a personalized surgical plan.
A further detailed discussion with Dr. Caridi and his team will follow this inquiry. If you are seeking more general information or are a previous patient needing to contact medical staff, always feel free to call our office.
4407 Bee Cave Rd #303, Austin TX 78746
Mon - Thur: 9am – 5pm Fri: 9am – 12pm
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