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Bodybuilder Gynecomastia Surgeryin Austin, TX

American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Plastic Surgery logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo
American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Plastic Surgery logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Plastic Surgery logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo

Austin Bodybuilder GynecomastiaTreatment

Gynecomastia surgery for bodybuilders offers striking improvement of emotional and physical health.

Gynecomastia presents uniquely different when it results from bodybuilding. The use of hormones, prohormones, and supplements can interfere with the normal estrogen and testosterone levels, resulting in the formation of gynecomastia tissue. Dr. Robert Caridi is a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in Gynecomastia Surgery in Austin, TX, and performs the procedure on 400 patients every year. He understands the psychological toll gynecomastia takes on men and offers a permanent solution to remove excess male breast tissue at Austin Gynecomastia Center.

What is Bodybuilder Gynecomastia?

Bodybuilder gynecomastia tissue is often of the dense glandular variety in a patient with little body fat.

A firm mass is easily felt, and the appearance of puffy nipples is almost universal. This can look quite odd in someone in great shape and is even more distressing than usual because bodybuilders care so much about their appearance. As a reminder, it’s the imbalance in the levels of the human sex hormones testosterone and estrogen that is responsible for the growth of gynecomastia tissue.

Bodybuilders who consume substances that disturb the normal balance of sex hormones can develop female-like breasts. The typical history includes the use of substances followed months later by some pain and irritation under the nipples and then the development of puffy nipples and a mass. Once established, the only form of treatment that will remove it all is through male breast reduction surgery.

Bodybuilder Gynecomastia Treatment

Austin Gynecomastia Center offers a specialized approach for bodybuilders.

Austin Bodybuilder Gynecomastia Surgery model

Treatment of gynecomastia for bodybuilders is often different from Dr. Caridi’s standard four-step approach offered to most patients. The reason is that they often don’t have much fat to work with, so the use of male breast liposuction is unnecessary.

Instead, Dr. Caridi’s method is “upfront” with a small incision at the bottom of the areola and the use of the electrosurgery device to remove the challenging glandular tissue present. There is no incision in the armpit area for liposuction treatment. To ensure that there is as much of the normal surrounding tissue as possible, Dr. Caridi uses his lighted magnifying eyeglasses to assist in the meticulous dissection.

“It has to be perfect as there is no room for error in the management of bodybuilders gynecomastia.” —Dr. Robert Caridi

Bodybuilder Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery & Results

The final result has to be smooth and masculine while removing ALL the gynecomastia tissue. The appearance of bodybuilders’ gynecomastia may seem less complicated than the average case but don’t be fooled; it is more challenging even for an experienced gynecomastia surgeon. The recovery period after gynecomastia treatment is crucial. At our practice we strive to offer the best bodybuilder gynecomastia surgery Austin has to offer and it is very routine and predictable. Recovery is a time when things are basically in your hands, so it is essential to slow down, follow the post-treatment instructions, and work your recovery, so it's as smooth and uneventful as possible. If you want perfect results, you will have to work for that goal—so, do your part.

Bodybuilder Gynecomastia Surgery Risks

It is vital to follow all post-operative instructions for optimal healing.

Bodybuilder gynecomastia has a higher rate of bleeding during the procedure and hematoma formation after treatment. This is related to the large muscle mass below and the inflamed nature of the gynecomastia tissue.

In addition, many bodybuilders take hormones, prohormones, and supplements that thin the blood and increase bleeding. Bodybuilders are often less compliant in terms of their recovery and full disclosure regarding what they are taking. Returning to the gym too soon can stir up swelling, bleeding, and scar tissue.

Austin bodybuilder gynecomastia surgery model smiling

Learn more about Bodybuilder Gynecomastia

Unparalleled experience | Exceptional results

Schedule your consultation at the Austin Gynecomastia Center to discuss your treatment options. Dr. Robert Caridi offers a specific approach to surgery when to it comes to bodybuilders with gynecomastia. Learn more about your surgical options by booking a consultation today. In addition, Dr. Caridi offers virtual consultations for out-of-town patients. Patients travel to the Austin Gynecomastia Center from around the world to ensure that they are in the best of hands and their surgery produces the best possible results.

Bodybuilder Gynecomastia
Frequently Asked Questions

What will my nipples look like after male breast reduction surgery?

Depending on your skin’s elasticity, if your nipples need repositioning due to significant skin ptosis (sagging), Dr. Caridi will explain any surgical approach that may be necessary to achieve your aesthetic goals. Additionally, enlarged areolas or puffy nipples will shrink immediately after total removal of gynecomastia tissue.

What are the risks?

Complications with male breast reduction surgery are rare. Still, some side effects include swelling, bruising, hematoma, seroma, infection, contour irregularities, scar tissue formation, vascular compromise, loss of sensitivity, and Mondor’s condition.

How much does it cost?

Once Dr. Caridi examines and assesses your case, he will tailor a treatment plan that is right for you. The cost of your male breast reduction will be explained during your consultation.

Does my insurance cover it?

It is best to check with your insurance provider to determine your coverage options. Most medical insurance providers do not cover male breast reduction surgery unless gynecomastia is related to a severe medical condition. However, Austin Gynecomastia Center does offer financing and payment options for your convenience.

Our team at AGC is here to answer your questions, assist with scheduling your appointment, or help you with any other matters related to your treatment. Book your consultation online for specific questions regarding a personalized surgical plan.

A further detailed discussion with Dr. Caridi and his team will follow this inquiry. If you are seeking more general information or are a previous patient needing to contact medical staff, always feel free to call our office.

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