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Male Breast Reduction
After Weight Loss
in Austin, TX

American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Plastic Surgery logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo
American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Plastic Surgery logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Plastic Surgery logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo The Aesthetic Society logo State of Texas logo American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery logo American Board of Medical Specialties logo

Put the Finishing Touch on Your Weight Loss Journey

Achieving your weight loss goals can dramatically impact your health and happiness and provide a deep sense of empowerment.

However, sometimes weight loss can make gynecomastia more apparent, resulting in a loss of enthusiasm about your weight loss results. Unfortunately, the only solution to this problem is male breast reduction surgery. Fortunately, however, Dr. Robert Caridi strives to deliver the best male breast reduction after weight loss Austin has to offer. He performs hundreds of such procedures each year, providing patients from all over the country with the best results possible. If excess tissue in your chest is preventing you from fully realizing the benefits of your weight loss journey, male breast reduction in Austin can help you maximize your efforts.

What is Male Breast Reduction After Weight Loss?

Male breast reduction is the surgical correction of gynecomastia or excess male breast tissue.

While gynecomastia is not directly related to weight, being overweight can worsen the condition. Furthermore, an overly full male chest may stand out more after weight loss. While pockets of stubborn fat can contribute to gynecomastia, you may also have excess glandular and fibrous tissues in your chest. For these reasons, weight loss does not effectively reduce gynecomastia.

Male breast reduction surgery removes excess glandular, fibrous, and fatty tissues to achieve a leaner and more sculpted, masculine appearance. If you have lost substantial weight and have remaining excess tissue in your chest, male breast reduction after weight loss can provide the finishing touch to your journey.

What are the benefits of Male Breast Reduction After Weight Loss?

Gynecomastia can have a serious impact on self-confidence and how you interact with the world around you.

Austin male breast reduction after weight loss model

Self-consciousness may keep you from engaging in certain social activities and promote emotional conditions like depression or anxiety. Gynecomastia surgery after weight loss offers a permanent solution to gynecomastia and the emotional distress that it causes.

Am I a candidate for Male Breast Reduction After Weight Loss?

Ideal candidates for male breast reduction after weight loss are at or near their normal BMI percentage and have no health conditions that may complicate surgery or recovery. During your consultation, Dr. Caridi will assess your condition, medical history, and other factors to determine your candidacy for treatment.

What should I expect on the day of my procedure?

Your gynecomastia surgery will be performed under general anesthesia. Dr. Caridi may use the standard closed procedure or an open procedure that involves skin removal.

This will depend on your condition and you will have the chance to discuss this with Dr. Caridi prior to your surgery. Once your procedure is complete, Dr. Caridi will close your incisions and dress you in a surgical garment to help support and shape your chest as you heal. As soon as you wake up from surgery, Dr. Caridi will send you home to begin your recovery. Our Austin male breast reduction after weight loss patients should plan to have a close friend or family member available to drive them home after surgery.

Austin male breast reduction after weight loss model

Open Gynecomastia vs. Closed Gynecomastia

Closed gynecomastia surgery involves liposuction and sculpting your chest and removing glandular tissue via an incision around the bottom curve of the nipple. Closed gynecomastia surgery involves very small incisions that result in minimal (almost invisible) scarring. This procedure will not remove excess skin.

Open gynecomastia surgery may be necessary to resolve excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin. This technique may also involve repositioning or grafting the nipple-areolar complex after removing extra tissue and loose skin due to weight loss to create a more naturally sculpted appearance. This typically happens in men who have lost more than 100 pounds because the skin simply does not have the elasticity to retract and redistribute itself after tissue removal.

Age also affects skin elasticity, so older patients may need skin excision as part of their procedures. The open approach requires much more skill and experience to perform well. It produces scars across the chest, areolas, and possibly under the arms, and proper placement of the incisions is critical to maximizing your satisfaction and achieving the best results. In many cases, the path forward is obvious.

However, in some cases where patients are in the “grey zone,” Dr. Caridi recommends a closed approach first, with the open approach as a secondary procedure if necessary. The skin can do incredible things! Dr. Caridi will work with you to assess your situation before surgery. If you’ve been told that you need open surgery, please seek a second opinion with a skilled Austin gynecomastia surgery expert like Dr. Caridi. He performs numerous techniques like quilting sutures and wide undermining to assist in skin redistribution during closed gynecomastia, and thus avoid the open approach. Dr. Caridi will not recommend open gynecomastia surgery unless there are no other alternatives.

What is recovery like after Post Weight Loss Male Breast Reduction?

You can expect your recovery after gynecomastia surgery to be tolerable, especially compared to other surgical cosmetic procedures.

Austin male breast reduction surgeon Dr. Caridi

Most of our Austin male breast reduction after weight loss patients report mild to moderate discomfort during recovery and return to work as soon as the following day. Patients who have skin removal can expect a slightly different recovery timetable, which Dr. Caridi will go over during consultation. While you will need to wait several weeks before performing chest exercises, you will be able to resume working out just two weeks after surgery, as long as your incision scars across the chest have successfully healed.

You will need to wear your compression garment for a minimum of four weeks to achieve the best results. Beginning three weeks after your procedure and continuing for several months, you will need to massage your chest several times a day for 20 minutes to encourage your chest tissues to settle smoothly and prevent long-term scar tissue from developing. Dr. Caridi will provide you with detailed instructions regarding caring for your incisions and helping your results develop optimally, as well as when to return for follow-up appointments. See full gynecomastia recovery instructions here or watch this video to know what to expect.

Male Breast Reduction After Weight Loss Results

Once healed, you will have a smooth and defined, masculine-looking chest. Dr. Caridi is extremely skilled at providing each patient with the best possible results. Following your breast reduction surgery, you will have the opportunity to view and even feel your excised tissue. For some men, the confirmation that their gynecomastia was real and has been conclusively resolved offers closure to the emotional distress they have endured as a result of gynecomastia.

Schedule your consultation for Male Breast Reduction After Weight Loss with Dr. Caridi

If you would like to discuss your candidacy for male breast reduction after weight loss, please contact us to schedule your consultation in Austin. Male breast reduction after weight loss with Dr. Caridi offers the highest level of results, drawing in patients from all over the country and beyond. Austin Gynecomastia Center offers virtual consultations for out-of-town patients.

Male Breast Reduction
After Weight Loss
Frequently Asked Questions

Is male breast reduction after weight loss covered by insurance?

Unfortunately, since gynecomastia poses no health risk and is considered a cosmetic concern, insurance does not cover this procedure.

How much does male breast reduction after weight loss cost?

You will get a direct price quote after you submit your online consultation, and will be quickly gotten back to without having to come into the office. The cost of your procedure will depend on several variables related to your personalized procedure, including anesthesia and the details of your surgery.

Our team at AGC is here to answer your questions, assist with scheduling your appointment, or help you with any other matters related to your treatment. Book your consultation online for specific questions regarding a personalized surgical plan.

A further detailed discussion with Dr. Caridi and his team will follow this inquiry. If you are seeking more general information or are a previous patient needing to contact medical staff, always feel free to call our office.

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